News articles - 2023

Abbotswood residents honour Rustington village history

Date: 18 September 2023

Congratulations to residents of Abbotswood Extra Care, who came second place in the Rustington Scarecrow Trail!


The Rustington Heritage Association held the competition to celebrate their 40th anniversary, where contestants built scarecrows themed around the area’s historical figures.


One scarecrow was based on a businessman who left £350,000 in his will to charity in 1915. Another represented a founding member of the Suffrage Society, Rhoda Garrett. Abbotswood residents chose Peter Pan as the theme for their scarecrow. The author, JM Barrie, based his book’s well-loved characters on a family from Rustington.


Photo: Elaine Hammond / Sussex World

Photo: Elaine Hammond / Sussex World


Locals voted for their favourite scarecrow on social media and Abbotswood came second in the organisation category. The residents enjoyed taking part and are keen to have a go next time around!