Hate crime

What is hate crime?

A hate crime is a criminal act that is motivated by hostility, prejudice or hatred towards someone’s:

  • Disability
  • Race
  • Religion/Faith
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Transgender Identity


What should you do if you've been a victim or witness of hate crime?

This is a criminal offence and you must report this to the police immediately. You must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.


Once you have reported it to the Police, please contact us with the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can work with the Police to take appropriate action.


Additional help and support can be found on the Stop Hate UK website, or by calling the Stop Hate 24-hour helpline on 0800 138 1625.


What we will do

All hate-related incidents, without exception, are treated as serious and will be investigated. We will:

  • Take a detailed statement from you within 36 hours
  • Agree an action plan with you to stop the harassment
  • Carry out any emergency repairs that may be needed
  • Provide extra security for you in your home
  • Put you in touch with local support groups or our Wellbeing Advisor