Online payments
You can make an online payment here. Remember to have your payment card reference number to hand.
You can also download the allpay app to make payments quickly and easily from your mobile phone. Download the app now from the Google Playstore or Apple App store.
Internet banking
You can also pay via internet banking using the details below:
NatWest Bank
Account name: Saxon Weald
Sort code: 60-11-17
Account No: 67088848
Please quote your tenancy reference number / name to ensure your account is credited successfully.
Over the phone payments
To make a payment over the phone, simply call us on 01403 226000 and have your rent payment card and debit/credit card details to hand.
You can also pay your rent 24 hours a day by calling the allpay telephone service. All you need to do is call 0330 041 6497 with your rent payment card and debit/credit card details to hand.
Direct Debits
Paying by Direct Debit is simple and secure, and will mean you don't have to worry about forgetting or being late paying your rent. You will need a bank, building society or Post Office giro account. If you would like to pay your rent using this method, please log in to your online account and follow the instructions on screen.
Alternatively, please print and fill out our direct debit form and post it to Saxon Weald House, 38-42 Worthing Road, Horsham, RH12 1DT:
If you cancel your Direct Debit, please tell us immediately.
Standing order
If you have a bank or building society account, you can instruct them to pay your rent automatically by standing order. You can choose which day and how frequently you would like to make the payment. You must remember to update the payment details if your rent changes.
Payments should be made to:
NatWest Bank
Account name: Saxon Weald
Sort code: 60-11-17
Account no: 67088848
Please quote your tenancy reference number / name to ensure your account is credited successfully.
Failing to pay your rent is a very serious matter. You could lose your home if you owe us money (known as falling into arrears).
If you have a genuine reason for falling behind on your rent payments, we will do all we can to help you resolve the matter, so you don't lose your home. The most important thing is to talk to us. Contact the Housing Management team on 01403 226000 now if you're already behind or email [email protected].
Privacy notice - for information on how we handle your data, go to: