Swapping home

If you're an existing tenant, another way to move is through what is known as a mutual exchange. This is where you swap your home with another of our tenants or a tenant of another housing association or council.

A happy mother and daughter sitting on a sofa looking at something on a mobile phone

Please be aware that you'll need our written permission before your swap goes ahead. For more information, please download our Mutual Exchange Key Information Sheet and our Mutual Exchange Policy.


So, how does the process work?


  1. Finding someone to swap with

HomeSwapper is a register of all tenants in the UK who are looking to swap homes. To find someone to swap with, you'll need to sign up. You can do so by visiting



We will approve your registration so long as:

  • You have been a tenant in your current property for more than one year
  • You don't have any rent arrears
  • You don't have a history of antisocial behaviour
  • You can afford the rent on the new property
  • The new property is the right size for your household


When you find someone you want to swap with, make sure you find out as much as possible about the tenancy you would have and be sure to visit the property.


It's important to remember you're accepting the property as it is, so be sure to check you're happy with everything, including the kitchen, bathroom etc.


  1. Applying for a mutual exchange

Once we've approved your request and you've found someone who's agreed to swap home with you, you'll need to sign up to SwapTracker.


SwapTracker is part of the HomeSwapper service and provides an end-to-end digital service, where you can apply for a mutual exchange and keep track of the progress all in one place.


What are the benefits of SwapTracker?

  • Get access to the easy-to-use online portal, where you'll see live updates on the progress of your mutual exchange and be able to communicate with your landlord directly.
  • Receive a better customer experience, thanks to a more simplified process and service.
  • Helps to protect the environment, thanks to less printing required and increased access to information online.
  • Keep informed every step of the way.


A step by step guide to using SwapTracker can be found here.