Surveys give us a better understanding of how the services we provide are performing for our customers.
Customer satisfaction
We carry out a number of customer satisfaction surveys including:
Tenant Satisfaction measures (TSMs): All housing associations must carry out an annual satisfaction survey to comply with regulatory requirements. There are 12 measures we ask customers about, and a further 10 measures we collect ourselves.
We have opted to conduct our satisfaction surveys via telephone. This is on a rolling monthly basis. These surveys are conducted on our behalf by a company called IFF-Research. They call from the following number: 03300 270103.
We are required to survey our tenants living in “low-cost rental accommodation” (LCRA). IFF aim to carry out 77 of these surveys each month (924 across the year). In addition, we also survey residents living in “low-cost home ownership” (LCHO). However, we are not required to report on these. IFF aim to survey eight of these residents every month (96 across the year).
We ensure our surveys are representative of all our residents. So, for example, if 20% of our residents are 85 or over, we aim for 20% of surveys to be carried out with this age group. This means there is no need to “weight” our survey results. Weighting is where you add extra value to a group that was underrepresented.
Where residents have elected not to be contacted for research purposes, we exclude them from our surveys. If residents have previously opted out of surveys, they can opt back in at any time. They can do this by contacting our Customer Support team.
Some surveys Saxon Weald operate are incentivised to improve the number of people responding. However, the TSM survey is not one of these. This is because incentives weren’t required to meet our survey sample. The survey itself can take between 8 and 15 minutes. This is dependent on the level of feedback provided by the survey respondent.
We use the TSMs as part of monthly performance reporting. This enables us to direct our improvements in the areas that residents tell us are of most concern.
We also operate a “trigger” system in our survey. Where a respondent registers overall dissatisfaction to question one of the survey, we will aim to contact them. This is to resolve any concerns as they reported. However, respondents who have elected to complete the survey anonymously will not receive that contact.
To see our latest TSMs please click here.
Repairs satisfaction: we email or text after you have had a repair completed to find out how it went. For the 23/24 financial year, 81% of customers said they were satisfied with the work.
New lettings survey: if you move into a new home, we will email or text to ask for your views on how the move went and the standard of the property. For the 23/24 financial year, 90% of customers reported that they are happy with the service provided by Saxon Weald.
Leaseholders: we send a satisfaction survey out annually on the anniversary of the date you bought your property.