Our Money Matters Team are always on hand to help our customers when they’re in need, something Ms. Manning experienced when she was referred to them.
Having very little knowledge of benefits, Ms. Manning was unaware that she wasn’t being paid the right amount. However, with the help of Steve, one of our Money Matters advisors, she found out she was entitled to a backdated payment. We asked Ms. Manning to share her experience with us…
How did you first get in touch with the Money Matters team?
I called up because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to pay my rent and I’d been running on foodbank vouchers. I was referred to the Money Matters team and that’s when I got a call from Steve. He asked me about my situation and what benefits I was getting. I told him about a car accident I’d been in and Steve said that the amount I was getting didn’t sound right with the injuries I had.
What were you hoping the referral would achieve?
I didn’t go into it with any expectations. I’ve always had the attitude of prepare for the worst, hope for the best. I think if anything, the outcome went above what I had expected.
What difference has the Money Matters team made to you?
For years, we suffered as a family; I couldn’t afford my son’s shoes for school and I used to eat my children’s leftovers. We were at the end of the poverty line after my car crash and I’m sad that my children had to go through that.
The money Steve helped me receive was life changing. I had wanted to keep some of it for a nest egg, however, I was told I had to spend it within the year. I managed to pay off my debts, buy my son a laptop for university, got carpet laid in my home, bought a new TV, a table and chairs to sit at and so much more. I also gave a lot out, so it didn’t just make a difference to me. I am very, very grateful to Steve for the support he provided.
Was there anything that stood out to you about our service?
It was Steve. I wouldn’t have known anything if it wasn’t for him, he did everything for me. He always called me back, which made me feel like he was thinking about me and my case. He was patient, understanding and non-judgemental. He was just brilliant.
What advice would you give to someone else who might be in a similar situation?
Don’t leave it. Saxon Weald are there to help you, and they want to help you, but they can’t if they don’t know. Reach out to them and don’t be afraid to ask for help.