Together with tenants

Saxon Weald is signed up to the National Housing Federation's Together with Tenants charter. The charter sets out what residents can expect from their housing association, regardless of where they live, the type of home they live in or who their landlord is. We made this commitment as we want our customers to know we take their views seriously and are committed to putting customers at the heart of our decision making.

together with tenants adopter logo

The charter sets out six commitments:

  • Relationships – being open, honest and transparent

  • Communication – giving clear, timely and relevant information

  • Voice & influence – seeking your views and using the feedback

  • Accountability – giving you the information and tools to hold us to account

  • Quality – providing safe, well-maintained homes

  • When things go wrong – ensuring effective handling of complaints


You can read the National Housing Federation's full charter here or by clicking on the download below.


We consulted with a large group of our customers on what the commitments above really mean to them. We are now working hard to deliver on these commitments and are looking at how you can monitor our performance.


If would like to view our own charter, please click here.